Skin Treatments

High intensity focus ultrasound Non-surgical face and neck lift

Skin Treatments

HIFU (High intensity focus ultrasound) also known as the non-surgical face and neck lift is the new go to facial. It visibly reduces the sagging on the skin and neck brought about by ageing, therefore, to give you a younger look. As well as reducing the sagging of the skin on various parts of the body, as well as reducing folds on areas around your face and body.

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Also known as collagen induction therapy, micro needling is a pen like device with a cluster of needles attached to the end of it. The device is guided around the surface of the skin enabling the needles to make small channels within the dermis. This allows for deeper product penetration so any products placed on the surface of the skin during and after the treatment will seep directly in to the deeper dermal layers.  

Micro needling also stimulates the collagen cells due to the wound healing process. Tiny micro traumas are caused during treatment and so the body goes into wound healing state, releasing collagen in order to repair and protect the skins surface.  

The benefits of this treatment are: wrinkle reduction, eliminates fine lines and reduces deeper lines. Reduces open pores, diminishes pigmentation, reduces blemishes, rejuvenates acne scarring, lifts, plumps & tightens and evens out tone & texture over all.  

Although single treatments can still be beneficial a course of treatment is recommended. 

Book an appointment for a free consultation with a practitioner to start your skin journey .  

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An injectable moisturiser which is placed under the surface of the skin and in to the deeper layers of the dermis by injection. The moisturiser is a gel like substance which is a highly concentrated form of hyaluronic acid. 

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally within our body and holds 1000 times its own weight in water, not only does it hydrate the skin and keep the moisture locked in, it also stimulates the cells responsible for the production of collagen.  

In turn this leads to bio remodelling, repairing the tissue fibres broken down & damaged over the years.  

The result being fine line elimination, wrinkle reduction and a much firmer, tighter and brighter appearance over all.  

Treatment protocol is an initial course of treatment to begin with, which consists of 2 treatments 4 weeks apart. Then a single maintenance treatment every 6-9 months.  

Recommended for men and women ages 30+ 

A consultation is required.  

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An exfoliating skin treatment in which the practitioner uses a sterile instrument to gently skim the surface of the skin, removing  the built up dead skin cells and unwanted soft white hairs from your face & neck.  

Benefits of this treatment are:  better penetration of topical products, reduces the appearance of fine lines and crepiness, reveals a smoother layer of skin leaving you with more radiant and glowy looking skin.  


We offer a range of facials to suit all skin types and concerns. If you are not sure which one would suit you best please contact the clinic for help & advice. 0113 3454717.  

Standard facial – includes cleanse & Hydration  

Deep cleanse Facial- includes Deep cleanse, extraction, exfoliation & Hydration  

Glow up Facial includes- deep cleanse, extraction, exfoliation, Dermaplane, painless peel & Hydration  

Full works Facial- includes Deep cleanse, extraction, exfoliation, Dermaplane, painless peel, Microneedling or Radio frequency and led light with mask. 

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